Monday, May 10, 2010

Too much trellis work

I just finished reading The Trellis and the Vine and was reminded again that as a Christian, I am to be a disciple-making disciple. As a pastor, I'm to be about tending the vine, not simply building the trellis. In other words, I need to remember that my focus is on discipling and training individuals so that they can be making disciples. Structures, systems, processes and programs can aid individual discipleship, but they are no substitute for it. In God's great wisdom, he has called us all to be instruments in the Redeemer's hands, or as Paul Tripp puts is, we are to be people in need of change helping people in need of change. God has called us to be a holy people, a royal priesthood not so that we can be individually isolated from each other or from the world, but so that we can edify each other and invest in unbelievers that they may come to know the amazing grace of His gospel.

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