Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Confession and recommendation

Once again I see that I have not been the most dedicated in keeping my blog updated. I hope to do better, am often inspired to do better but the business of life often distracts me. I finished What is the Gospel by Gilbert, highly recommend it, but do not have time to review in full. Another book I'm reading, now 400 pages into this lengthy tome is Bonhoeffer:Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, by Eric Metaxes. Over the last year or so I been continually fascinated by biographies. I think perhaps the catalyst was one my brother recommended: George Muller by Roger Steer. I am ever inspired by the grace of God and his providence in the lives of others and the impact that grace has left on the world around those lives. In this respect, Bonhoeffer is no different. In one respect, however, Bonhoeffer is different from other biographies I have read. In Metaxes work, it seems that the story is less about Bonhoeffer and more about the individuals, friends, family, acquaintances and enemies than it is actually about him. And maybe that's what I like best about it. In other bios I've read, I am moved by God's work in the life of the individual, his personal ambitions as given by God, and his accomplishments, but what strikes me about Bonhoeffer is the emphasis on the lives of others, their accomplishments and Bonhoeffer, while as a person, he was great cultural contributor and contender for orthodoxy and Christian behavior, the book is more about him indirectly. It shows him more as one who is almost passively being directed to navigate the times and the culture around him and how he remains faithful in the midst of it. It's a great read and I may try to post quotes later.